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What I read during my trip

Hello, again. It has been very quiet here on my blog for quite some time. I have been away for a month, travelling in Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. Lots of travel, many places and sights, lots of good food and nice people. Rather warm and humid so I quite enjoy the chilly temperatures here in Europe for the moment. It will not be long before I miss the sun though.

I did manage to read quite a few books during my trip. Perfect for days when you are travelling and cannot do anything else. I have read physical books, e-books and listened to audio books. I managed to go through 14 books.

  • Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini

  • De unga baronerna (The Young Barons) by Birgit Th. Sparre

  • The Doctor's Widow by DanielHurst

  • Den förste (The First) by Marit Furn

  • Död mans kvinna (Dead Man's Woman) by Katarina Wennstam (January)

  • Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier

  • Trust by Hernan Diaz

  • Kungen av Nostratien (The King of Nostratien) by Tony Samuelsson

  • Memoria by David Lagercrantz

  • Post Morten by David Lagercrantz

  • Dottern (The Daughter) by Sara Önnebo

  • The Broken Girls by Simone St. James

  • Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica

  • It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison

Believe it or not, but I did like all of the books, and some were really excellent. There are a few thrillers which were some of the best books I have read this year. I hope to do a few small reviews soon.

The best book I read this year was Trust by Hernan Diaz. I guess it should be, because it got the Pulitzer prize in 2023, shared with Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. It was also named on of the the 10 best books of 2022 by The Washington Post and the New York Times. Well worth it.

I would also like to mention these three thrillers which were difficult to put down.

The Broken Girls by Simone St. James

Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica

It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison

All of them telling stories about women and peculiar circumstances. Thrilling stories, all going back to past events. Furthermore, endings which come as a surprise.

I have continued to read your blog posts, although I did not comment. I see you have been busy as usual, and read a few good books. Several interesting challenges or read alongs, which I, unfortunately, have not time to participate in.

The future of the blog

During this month of travelling, I have given a few thoughts on my blog. It has been good not to feel obliged to post articles all the time. It has also given me time to consider where I want to go with the blog. How I want to proceed with sharing my thoughts on books, literature and reading. The book blogging community is such a nice place to be. I have come up with some ideas, but they have to mature for a while. I will let you know as soon as I have gathered my thoughts into something sustainable for the future.


5 days ago

I enjoyed your holiday pics on Insta and pleased to hear how much you enjoyed Trust - it's on my TBR. And now the anticipation of waiting to hear about your new vision for your blog 😍

Replying to

Thank you Brona, glad you enjoyed it. It was a nice and interesting trip. Trust is the best book so far this year. I am eager to read his first book In the Distance.

I feel I have to do something new with the blog. I hope to come up with something soon.

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