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Nordic FINDS challenge

I am so happy that AnnaBookBel is hosting the Nordic FINDS again in the beginning of 2023. AnnaBookBel says: ”For 2023, I will aim to read one book per country, and will simply encourage anyone who’d like to join in to pick up one or more titles from FINDS authors at any time during the month.”

This year I was a little bit disorganised in choosing books, so this time I am determined to be more alert. I took some time to find five books, one for each country. The Norwegian one comes as a recommendation from one of you bloggers (maybe even from this year’s FINDS), and the rest I found on a website called Scandinavia Standard The Best Contemporary Scandinavian Fiction to Read. I must admit I don’t even know all the Swedish authors they mention.

Here are my choices for books from each country.

  • Finland - They Know Not What They Do by Jussi Valtonen

  • Iceland - Cold as Hell (1st Áróra series) by Lilja Sigurdadottir

  • Norway - The Ice Palace by Tarjej Vesaas

  • Denmark - Silence in October by Jens Christian Gröndahl

  • Sweden - The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald

Looking forward to this first challenge of next year. I am sure it will come with new exciting books and authors.

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2 commentaires

Liz Dexter
Liz Dexter
27 déc. 2022

Have fun with it! I'm using the challenge to make myself finish the giant book of Icelandic Sagas I've been "reading" for over a year!

29 déc. 2022
En réponse à

That sounds great. I will venture into these sagas soon. I am so much into the Vikings for the time being. I feel you have to read them to get a full idea of the times. Although they are sagas, I think part of them retells real stories. Looking forward to hearing what you think about them.

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