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Nonfiction November

Week 1 of Nonfiction November is here. Thank you so much to this year's hosts for taking up the challenge. Heather of Based on a True Story is the host for week 1. She lives in Ohio with her husband, surrounded by lots and lots of critters! Sounds wonderful.

Week 1 (10/30-11/3) Your Year in Nonfiction: Celebrate your year of nonfiction. What books have you read? What were your favorites? Have you had a favorite topic? Is there a topic you want to read about more? What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November? (Heather)

What books have you read?

Kärlek och kärnfamilj i folkhemmet by Jonas & Orvar Löfgren

Aldrig mer trött (Never again tired, my transl.) by Pia Norup

Aktier, 3 steg till ekonomiskt oberoende (Shares, 3 steps to ekonomic independence) by Ola Lauritzson

Tusen år i Uppåkra (Thousand years in Uppåkra) by Dick Harrison

Christensen, Inga - Vikingarna i det frankiska riket (A more academic book about the vikings in the Frankish empire) by Inga Christensen

Casanova in Venice by Michel Delon & Michèle Sajous D'Ori

Messages From a Lost World, Europe on the Brink by Stefan Zweig

Tio lektioner i svensk historia (Ten lessons in Swedish history) by Ola Larsmo

Kärlek i hatets tid (Liebe in Zeiten des Hasses/Love in a Time of Hate) by Florian Illies

Van Gogh's Ear by Bernadette Murphy

Ett hemligt liv, Verner von Heidenstam och Kate Bang by Martin Kylhamma

Världens största konspirationer by editor Andreas Nyberg

Marie Antoinette by Stefan Zweig

A Fortune Teller Told Me by Tiziano Terzano

That is 20 books out of the 101 books I have read so far.

What were your favorites?

As usual my favourite nonfiction is within History. The best book, even including fiction, this year is Florian Illies' Love in the Time of Hate, Art and Passion in the Shadow of War, 1929-39. It is such a different take on the sad history of Europe during this time. Making it more real by looking into the loves and lives of creative people. Can highly recommend it.

Other favourites are: The love story between Axel von Fersen and Marie Antoinette, with an insight into their relationship and correspondence. Ett hemligt liv, "A Secret Life" about the love story between Verner von Heidenstam, a Swedish national poet and his long time partner Danish Kate Bang which took place in the beginning of the 20th century. Napoleon - A Concise Biography was very interesting and makes for more reading about this unusual man. Looking forward to the upcoming film by Ridley Scott which premieres in Sweden on 22 November. I guess where you are it is already in the cinemas. Most of the books are about history which is a big interest of mine. Biographies are also interesting I find. Bernadette Murphy's quest to find out what happened when Van Gogh cut off is ear, is a thrilling detective story.

Several of the nonfiction books I have read in connection with our travels. Always interesting to read up on local history, customs and traditions.

Is there a topic you want to read about more?

I am interested in the Evolution and have a couple of books on that subject. Travels, Culture and Traditions are other subjects.

What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?

To be inspired by other people's reading of nonfiction. I so often just stay with history and biographies, but would like to be inspired by other areas as well. Considering the dire circumstances in the world today, I don't read so much of contemporary nonfiction. For the time being I am happy to sink into another world with my nonfiction reading.

What am I reading?

Having just come back from two months travelling with a camper van through Montenegro, Albania and, mostly, Greece, I am letting myself sink into the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds with The Classical World, An Epic History of Greece and Rome by Robin Lane Fox. It promises to be a very interesting read, and I can go back to remember the ancient places we visited in Greece.


Nov 08, 2023

A great reading year and I hope you pick up some good ideas this month! (Liz)

Nov 15, 2023
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Thank you Liz. I am surprised and pleased to see so many bloggers join this challenge. Always good with input from other bloggers, and to be inspired by subjects I usually don't read.


Nov 07, 2023

Great nonfiction year! This last boom sounds really good, enjoy! Emma @ Words And Peace

Nov 07, 2023
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Thanks Emma, I was pleased with most of the books.


Nov 05, 2023

I am always in awe of people who travel extensively. It must bring things that you read to life.

Nov 07, 2023
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It is true that reading about the places you visit brings them to life, or becomes a compliment to the visit. I find it interesting with the historical aspects of a place, and this was a good book to read. I also finished José Saramago's novel The Siege of Lisbon. It was very nice, since we happened, by chance, to sit at is favourite table at a restaurant in Lisbon. I wrote about it here:

And the Saramago review:


Nov 03, 2023

I visited Lisbon several years ago and read up on the history but I didn't hear much about World War II. I'll need to check out that book.

Nov 07, 2023
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A very interesting one. You are right, you don't hear so much about Portugal and that time. It is well worth a read.


Nov 03, 2023

The book I'd like to read is by Göran Hägg...biography about August Strindberg

Unfortunately the book has not been translated into English or other languages.

I read the biography A. Strindberg (2012) by Susan Prideaux. Strindberg was a very troubled soul....yet he gave us some world famous literature. Thanks for your NF list!

Nov 07, 2023
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Thank you Nancy. It was an interesting biography, but it just have to be over such a man. It would be nice to read a biography of him from someone outside Sweden. I will have a look at Susan Prideaux. He was a troubled soul indeed. Maybe that is why these people do write good literature. Although he was not so much appreciated in his life time as he is now.

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