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December Wrap up

December has come and gone, and it is time to make a wrap up of the month's reading.

I read 7 books in December. The month started very slow, so I was happy to have read at least these books.

Herodotos, Den förste globalisten by Sture Linnér. Linnér managed to inspire me to buy Herodotus' Histories. Herodotos (c. 484 - c. 425 BC) was a Greek historian and geographer from Halicarnassus, then part of the Persian Empire, now Bodrum in Turkey. He was one of the first to look into historical events, he traveled extensively and is considered as the father of history. Looking forward to read his book.

On a winter night in 1964, Dr. David Henry is forced by a blizzard to deliver his own twins. His son, born first, is perfectly healthy. Yet when his daughter is born, he sees immediately that she has Down's Syndrome. Rationalizing it as a need to protect Norah, his wife, he makes a split-second decision that will alter all of their lives forever. He asks his nurse to take the baby away to an institution and never to reveal the secret. But Caroline, the nurse, cannot leave the infant. Instead, she disappears into another city to raise the child herself. So begins this story that unfolds over a quarter of a century - in which these two families, ignorant of each other, are yet bound by the fateful decision made that long-ago winter night. Norah Henry, who knows only that her daughter died at birth, remains inconsolable; her grief weighs heavily on their marriage. And Paul, their son, raises himself as best he can, in a house grown cold with mourning. Meanwhile, Phoebe, the lost daughter, grows from a sunny child to a vibrant young woman whose mother loves her as fiercely as if she were her own.

A fascinating story of how a spur of the moment decision changes the lives of the people involved. Even those who have no idea of what happened. Turned out to be the best fiction book I read this year, and I can highly recommend it. My review under link above.

Pilkastaren by Gunnar Sebring (audio) - a psychological and philosophical thriller that keeps you stuck to the story until the very end.

Över en vinterfika (Over a winter coffee) and anthology of short stories about life and its dwindling ways.

Ancient Greece by Eric Brown - very good, short introduction to ancient Greece and its times and important people.

20 filosofer (20 Philosophers) by Gunnar Fredriksson - the author looks at the most important philosophers from ancient time up until present time. Great, short introduction to the people, their lives and thoughts. Very good introduction for a deeper reading.

Fyra historiska mysterier (Four historical mysteries) by Clas Svahn - the author looks at four mysteries that still fascinates people. The secret of the Rosetta stone, the hunt for captain Kidd's treasure, the secrets of Edgar Allan Poe and the curse of the Pharaohs. Interesting look into history and its secrets.


Debbie Nance
Debbie Nance
Jan 11, 2024

The Memory Keeper's Daughter---what an intriguing plot! Interesting that it turned out to be your best fiction read of the year.

Jan 13, 2024
Replying to

I did see on it several blogs, and good reviews. But, it was still such a surprise and such a wonderful story. Very realistic, but still the story developed in unexpected ways. The characters were just great. It also covered half a life time, and maybe that is why you felt you got so much story out of the novel.

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