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Classic Spin #36

The Classic club has announced a new spin. My results in this challenge are not very good. I seldom manage to read the chosen book. Even now, I am late with this post, but inspired by the spin, I will try to do my best this time. It did not start very good, because I could not find my list. I have changed my blog provider, and taken away the challenge label I had before. However, I found my list from 2022, took away a couple of books I had actually read, and added two more books. Voilà, here the new list for a new year.

As you can see, number 20 is A Writer's Notebook by Somerset Maugham. I have had this for ages, read part of it, but could not be inspired by it. I do like Somerset Maugham's writing, but maybe this one was too early for me. Since I seem to have lost my book mark, I will start all over again, and hopefully be surprised over how much I love it. Has any one of you read his notebook?

Looking forward to see what your book will be.

댓글 6개

2024년 1월 25일

Great, it's working, even with a link in the comment. Thanks! Yes, Chrome is my browser by default. Emma @ Words And Peace

2024년 1월 25일
답글 상대:

Great Emma. I am still an amateur with this web-site, but I hope, one day, to have time to sit down and thoroughly go through how to use it.


2024년 1월 25일

Well, now I have forgotten what I meant to write. Maybe just good luck. I hope you enjoy title #20. I have not read it. I'm thrilled with my pick: The Informer, by Akimitsu Takagi:

2024년 1월 25일
답글 상대:

Yours sounds really great, and I will look for it. I have already given up on mine. I remember now why it was so difficult, and rather uninteresting to read. Maybe I return to the book of the last spin which I did not even started to read. The Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott . It seems to have disappeared from my list though. As you see, my life is in turmoil for the moment. Hope to be back to a more organised me soon.

Take care and good luck with your read.


Debbie Nance
Debbie Nance
2024년 1월 22일

My spin choice will be Oliver Twist. It's a Dickens book I have never read.

I only put books on my list that I am eager to read. If I am not eager to read a book, I've taken it off my list.

I do hope you love A Writer's Notebook.

2024년 1월 22일
답글 상대:

That might be a good way of reading the books of the list, just to put those you want to read. I have taken away a few books, and Dickens is not on my list. I am not so fond of him, but realise I am in the minority. I have a couple of DH Lawrence as well. Are they worth reading you think? I do hope I will look at the Notebook with other eyes this time. The only problem is that the text is so small. It was easier when you were younger.

Good luck with your reading, it is a thick book.

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