The Classic Spin is done and this month's number is 6. For me this is Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence. Not my favourite author, but I will do my very best to read it. I think I have to do a New Year’s promise to read all the Spin books next year.
We are going to Portugal for Christmas and New Year. I have a Penguin book of Lawrence’s novel. I will bring it with me, and I can leave it behind for someone else to enjoy it.
I skipped this spin because I only have two books left on my list.
I hope this book turns out to be better than you thought.
My #6 is a book I just received as a present from a friend: Suttner, Bertha von "Die Waffen nieder!" (Down with Weapons! or Lay Down Your Arms!) - 1889 Looking forward to it. Enjoy your holidays.