There are some favourite authors where I am thinking of reading all, or, at least most of their works. For now, I am trying to go through the collection of three authors.
Agatha Christie
I think this lady does not need any further introduction. I have mostly seen TV-series of films of her works, but never really read very much. It is a pleasure to read her works. They are sometimes rather easygoing, one could even say simple, but to solve the crimes is really difficult. She wrote 66 novels and 14 short story collections. I have so far read 29 novels and short stories. There will still be a few to read in 2025.
Donna Leon
Donna Leon is mostly famous for her crime novels set in Venice. Her protagonist is Commissario Guido Brunetti. A smooth Italian detective with no illusions about either crime or politics. Great novels, especially if you love Venice. She wrote 33 novels about Brunetti. There are also a few nonfiction books by her, but I concentrate on the Venice set. I have so far read 13 novels.
Daphne du Maurier
Another interesting author, and not within the crime genre. du Maurier is more into historical fiction as well as nonfiction. Rebecca is probably her most famous novel. She also wrote The Birds, a short story, on which Hitchcook based his famous film. I think she wrote 33 books, including short stories and nonfiction. I have so far read 12 of them.